Represents a Bancho IRC connection.
Represents a multiplayer lobby in osu! Automatically does ratelimiting by not sending more than a message every 2 seconds.
Represents a gamemode with integer mapping in the osu! api.
Runs some command up to 3 times whether or not checkResponse returns true. Expects a response from BanchoBot.
Runs some command up to 3 times whether or not checkResponse returns true. Expects a response from BanchoBot.
Alters an !mp command sent to bancho such that it doesn't get ignored because of flood protection because of sending identical commands. The current implementation simply inserts alternating 0, 1 and 2 spaces after !mp.
Replaces spaces with underscores in an osu! username
Checks if a username is a valid osu username for registering now. Note that older usernames MAY be longer or contain illegal character combinations. Some character combinations are denied by user registration but are not checked for in here (such as admin).
Returns the value given in first parameter or executes the callback if evaluating it threw a WaitTimeoutException. If any other exception is thrown, an AssertError will be triggered.
Generates the short form for a mod (eg Hidden -> HD), can be more than 2 characters
Runs some command up to 3 times whether or not checkResponse returns true. Expects a response from BanchoBot.
Username of BanchoBot (for sending !mp commands & checking source)
Represents a join/leave event.
Represents a simple sent message from bancho
Represents a user quitting or joining the IRC ingame or via web/irc
Represents a topic change event (in the case of a multi room being created)
Cyclic int how to modify a message to avoid message-flooding protection from bancho.
Provides an IRC connection to Bancho (osu!'s server system) and access to its commands (Multiplayer room creation)